Notice of PhD Comprehensive Examination > 공지사항


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Notice of PhD Comprehensive Examination

페이지 정보

Writer donghyukbang Date22-05-26 21:46 Hit2,309






Time: June 16, 17, 2022  9:00 am

Place: #122 Seminar Room, Atlanta Campus

1) The comprehensive examinations will be assessed by the PhD Program Committee as being either passed with distinction, passed, failed with possible re-examination, or failed terminally. A terminal failure terminates a student from the program. Two failures of the comprehensive exams terminate a student from the program.

2) The four different areas are: 1) Mission Theologies, 2) Ecclesiology, 3) Globalization, Anthropology, and Contemporary Culture, and 4) Ministerial Development and Leadership. Students will take exams in two areas each day.

3) The Program Committee will inform each student and his/her advisor of the results via official letter as soon as the examiners return them. The results are recorded in the student's file as well as the Office of Academic Affairs.


GCU PhD Program Committee


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